The National Senior Classical League is an organization founded to promote classical studies. We are the college-level affiliate of the National Junior Classical League, a similarly chartered high school organization. The parent organization of both the NJCL and the NSCL is the American Classical League, a professional society of Latin and Greek scholars. Our primary duties are to help the NJCL at the annual national convention and to offer scholarships to SCL members.
Affiliate ORganizations
American Classical leagueThe American Classical League was founded in 1919 for the purpose of fostering the study of classical languages in the United States and Canada. Membership is open to any person who is committed to the preservation and advancement of our classical inheritance from Greece and Rome. In addition to teaching materials in Classical Studies, ACL offers job placement for Classics teachers and teachers seeking positions in the Greek and Latin languages, as well as scholarships, workshops and summer institutes. The American Classical League is devoted to the study and teaching of Classical Studies, Greek and Latin learning and the instruction of classical languages, supporting teachers at all levels and positions. |
National Junior Classical leagueFormed in 1936, the National Junior Classical League (NJCL) is an organization of junior high and high school students sponsored by the American Classical League, composed of local and state/provincial chapters across the United States, Canada, and Australia. Its purpose is to encourage an interest in and an appreciation of the language, literature and culture of ancient Greece and Rome and to impart an understanding of the debt of our own culture to that of Classical antiquity. NJCL proudly holds the honor of being one of the largest academic youth organizations in the world. There are over 50,000 members in approximately 1,200 chapters, located in almost every state and in several foreign countries. |